Queer Words

Performed by an all-LGBTQ+ cast of 3 exceptional performers, Queer Words is a bold, provocative, and multi-disciplinary performance. Combining story-telling, spoken word, dance and physical theatre, Queer Words investigates toxic ideals and the crisis of masculinity. Brutally honest, darkly funny and at times controversial – Autin Dance Theatre is tackling a culture of violence and insecurities with eclectic sketches about personal stories around millennial queer experiences, gender roles, feminism, and homophobia. You’ll be sure to enjoy an epic and vibrant 45 minute outspoken slice of pride, activism, and courage.

Queer Words premiered at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2018 at Greenside Venue – Forest Theatre. Queer Words is suitable for small scales venues, including comedy club settings and other unconventional performance spaces.

Audience Comments

"Witness a dazzling expression of activism, and feel something raw, but ultimately empowering and celebratory.."​
Ed Fringe Review
"The cast of Queer Words makes the spectacle authentic, truthful, and meaningful."
Theatre Weekly
"The genuinely likable trio onstage give voice to observations, feelings, and self-admissions that add up to an open-minded and activist depiction of queer pride."
The List

Show Credits


Johnny Autin


Kirsten Tranter


Richard Shrewsbury


Bethany Slinn, Joshua Toft-Wild, Oliver Sale

Production Assistant:

Annalise Cowan


Gillian Leno

Visual Artist:

Paulina Ozynska (Nucis Designs)


Parallax Visuals

Costume Designer:

Monika Jauneikaite

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