Dystopia is a dance theatre duet for the outdoors and unusual spaces that is performed in the round. This jaw-dropping and thought-provoking performance, is exploring the themes of our human need for connection and belonging, in opposition with our modern anxieties based on fear and violence. The piece speaks about the power balance in relationships. Striking physicality and an exciting soundscape take the audience on an intense and emotional journey. The show is ultimately a message of hope and a call for our common humanity. Featuring a fashion design twist, and acrobatics, this dance-theatre-in-the-round performance can be enjoyed by all.
Dystopia is suitable for outdoor arts festivals, outdoor public events, shopping centres and unusual spaces. We have been developing this performance since 2016, touring extensively across the UK and Internationally. Audiences of all ages, and walks of life can enjoy Dystopia from different perspectives in the round, as they attend an event or come across the spectacle by chance.
Audience Comments
Dystopia-another outstanding and hypnotic dance piece of the highest standard
Darren Haywood (Birmingham Fest)An explosive and memorable outdoor dance duet."
Audience MemberAudio Description Links and Accessibility
Pre-recorded audio description files are available for blind and visually impaired audiences to listen to.
Please note that the show doesn’t contain any text or spoken word. All the storytelling is expressed through movement and physicality.
Touch Tours prior to the live performances are available (to be organised in advance between promoter and show director
Schools & Community Outreach
Email our Learning & Participation manager Kirsten for more information and to request a booking form.

Audio Notes
Audio notes (for listening before the show)

Full Synchronised Audio Description
Full synchronised audio description (for streaming or download to listen during the performance)
Show Credits
Johnny Autin
Neus Gil Cortes
Richard Shrewsbury
Marcin Sz
Johnny Autin & Laura Vanhulle
Production Assistant:
Annalise McIntyre
Kirsten Tranter
Costume Designer:
Monika Jauneikaite
Upcoming Tour Dates
Use the filter to select Dystopia
Gender defying, circus-dance hybrid
Stephanie Brown (London Review)